
Hello neighbor ending spoiler
Hello neighbor ending spoiler

hello neighbor ending spoiler

  • Took a Level in Badass: Completing one of the minigames introduced in Alpha 4 will give him the ability to fight back against The Neighbor, such as pushing him down/breaking free once per chase.
  • Through the Eyes of Madness: Save for his apartment, his traumatic kidnapping and narrow escape caused him to see danger everywhere, including (if Act 3's levels are of any indication) his school, his own home, and even supermarkets.
  • hello neighbor ending spoiler

    Screw This, I'm Out of Here!: When he got old enough to do so, he decided to put as much distance between him and The Neighbor as possible, and only came back to his childhood home because he could no longer afford to pay the rent of his apartment in a faraway city.Properly Paranoid: Genuinely believes his neighbor is up to something due to the way he locked off his basement although the way The Neighbor chases and throws him out of the house, along with what you hear in the basement, you get the feeling he wasn't too far off.He spies on his neighbor and waits for him to leave so he can break in the house and find out what he's keeping in his basement. He notices something weird going on with his neighbor and is determined to find out what his neighbor is hiding in his basement. Nosy Neighbor: A rare playable version.The prequel novel reveals his name to be Nicky Roth. Kleptomaniac Hero: Pretty much everything he uses in the game, he took from The Neighbor's house.Kid Hero: In the final game, he is this for the first two acts.Heroic Mime: Doesn't speak, save for a few vocalizations in the final game.The Hero: He resolves to find out more about the Neighbor and break into his basement.

    hello neighbor ending spoiler

    He Knows Too Much: The Neighbor kidnapping him in Act 1 was likely because he'd gotten into the basement in the first place and could have revealed the boy, his own son, that he was holding down there.Guile Hero: Cannot fight back against The Neighbor (except after playing a mini-game in Act 3) and so relies on trickery and stealth to explore the house and solve the Neighbor's puzzles.The Faceless: Since the game is from his first-person perspective, although he's shown clearly in cutscenes.Dreaming of Times Gone By: Being caught by The Neighbor in the game gives you the opportunity to have dream sequences which seem, through symbolism and playable cutscenes, to exposit on The neighbor's backstory.The Determinator: He will not rest until he finds out what's inside his Neighbor's basement.Battle in the Center of the Mind: Act 3 wherein the player must make peace with the memory of being kidnapped by The Neighbor.He then decides to explore The Neighbor's house in order to find out more about him and break into his basement. aren't you?Ī normal person who, a child, moves into the suburbs only to find that his new neighbor is rather.

    Hello neighbor ending spoiler