
The long dark clothing stats
The long dark clothing stats

the long dark clothing stats

Like she put her finger in a light socket Like a clown wig, artificial red, plastic shine and fuzzy Okay, because I have so many descriptions and definitions, I’m going to cut to the chase.

the long dark clothing stats

Or, he wears expensive suits but he wears his hair a little too long because on the weekends he caters to his passion and joins his buddies for motorcycle road trips. A man who works as an executive might conform to a short, and very tailored look.Then again, she might hide long tresses under a ball cap, because secretly she’d like to be noticed as the girl she really is.

the long dark clothing stats

  • A tomboy might have a very short, non-nonsense haircut.
  • #2 on the essential List: Hair descriptions are a part of the character so make them work harder by using them to describe the person “inside,” not just what the person looks like outside. You do not want to be known as "hair girl "or "hair boy!" The #1 thing about hair descriptions is Do Not overuse them. But there are a few very important points we should chat about first. Now that I've scared you, we're going to talk about the hair on your character's heads - the color, the length, the style. This time we're taking a page out of my 17 page section that covers hair, wigs and every description of body hair you can imagine (and probably some of you can't). You all are getting another peek into my magic notebook.

    The long dark clothing stats